Polygamy and Marital Rape

Polygamy and Marital Rape

Marriage, also known as matrimony or marriage, is an internationally recognised institution between people, known as married couples, which legally establishes legal responsibilities and rights between them, and also between them and their respective families, friends, or other people whom the couple considers to be of equal status with them. It is usually a legal contract based on certain standards set by legislation like the dowry system, arranged marriage, or traditional marriage. It does not necessarily require two adults to be resident in the same country, although it may happen sometimes. A marriage is considered to be valid when one of the partners is at least 18 years old, has a sound mind and body, is financially and physically able to support the needs of his or her spouse, and is capable of providing a standard of living that the other partner would find acceptable. A marriage may last a life time or until a divorce if the marriage is dissolved by a court after investigation and if there are no grounds for divorce declared by the partners.


Some social scientists believe that marriage, unlike different forms of relationships, are formed through a process of mutual understanding, respect, and trust that develop over a long period of time. They also believe that such marriages have much to do with the evolution of human societies. Societies that have larger shares of people who have studied sociology, or who have been educated in the areas of family structure and welfare, tend to have stable and enduring marriages, even in the face of domestic violence and other social problems. Marriages are also generally the product of the age-old sociological theory that marriage is a social duty rather than a private option. In some cultures, young women often leave home to marry men much older than themselves, and young men are usually ready to take their vows of one day being husbands and parents while their female friends pursue other goals in life.

According to some marriage researchers, marriage is a social construction process which involves four stages. The first stage is called “identity development.” During this stage, two persons come into direct contact and establish a deep and personal connection. At this stage, it is likely that both parties are not aware of their own feelings and have little in common. Devault 1992, p. 6 suggests that at this stage, the partners do not understand the emotional reality that surrounds them. They are just learning to identify with each other and to live with each other’s lives.

The second stage in the marriage process is the establishment of trust. At this point in time, the two people may have already established a deep and personal connection, but the question here is, does this relationship have substance? If so, it may be that the marriage has deepened into a more intimate relationship. Conversely, if not, then at this stage, the two people are strangers. Marriage researchers note that most marriages fail at this stage, primarily because of the lack of trust between the partners.

Finally, at this stage in your marriage, you know what it means to be married. As compared to other unions, marriage involves a deeper commitment than casual or amorous relationships. A healthy marriage recognizes that there are essential differences between partners, and that those differences must be respected and honored. It is at this stage that many couples realize that although they have chosen to live together, they are still distinct from one another in so many ways that they are bound together for a good life together.

Based on these observations, it is clear that successful marriage begins with the union of two individuals who are emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually connected with each other. Marriage researchers note that when this happens, couples are more satisfied with their marriage and enjoy it much longer. In fact, some researchers even suggest that happy marriages occur more frequently than marriages that are unhappy.

However, this success comes only with the marriage being built on strong, enduring emotional bonds. For a healthy marriage to last, it is important that the husband and wife build on similar moral foundations. The two of them must have deep respect for each other’s beliefs and moral views, and they must share the same views about family, values, and lifestyle. It is not enough for the spouses to share the same moral and ethical values; they also need to respect and protect each other’s. When one spouse is sexually unfaithful, the other spouse is also at risk for having unprotected sex.

Although the practice of polyamory differs among the states, there are still a number of states that criminalize it. Polygamy, however, can be legalized if the other spouse agrees to it. For instance, in Washington D.C., a person can enter into an exclusive relationship if he or she can show evidence that their union is legally recognized as one based on legitimate legal documentation. While some people believe that practicing polyamory is dangerous and should be illegal, others believe that it is not. As states continue to look for creative ways to reform their marriage laws, the practice of legally binding multiple-spouses to be together proves to be a viable way forward.